Great Kings.


Part 1:
When a king passes in the street
Children cease their playing.
They hurry to catch a glimpse
And bless him with their smiles;
Warm and innocent to give
Him peace along the mile.

When a king is come,
People halt their busy work
And hasten to meet him.
They cast their coats in the way;
Their woven tapestries for
Him to walk upon as they
Honor him with pleasantries.

There, amidst the citadel,
They await his voice. From the
Lowest place he meets them
And beckons them near.
Sharing with them the wisdom
Of the Eternal Father, he removes
Their doubt, question, and fear.

Loved is he by those who revere him
Feared by those who reject him for
They are those who misunderstand him.

© 2015 Malcolm Jarell